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temperature converter

Parmesh119's github profile

This is the application for to convert the temperature from one unit to another unit.


vinaysingh-chaudhary's github profile

You can see interesting pictures of our galaxy, I've used Nasa's POD API to source the pictures of the Universe, and I've used reactjs and Tailwind to build this project


Nishitbaria's github profile

Contentify is a versatile content creation, social media management, and educational resources platform. It provides users with a comprehensive set of tools to excel in content creation, streamline social media management, and access valuable educational resources.

Student Database Management System

Parmesh119's github profile

In this project, I used c++ and OOPs concept and small DataBase to store the data of all students.

Magic Quadrant

ozanbatuhankurucu's github profile

Magic Quadrant is a scatter chart develop by Gartner to visualize major players in a specific market.


PatilHarshh's github profile

This is the Unit Converter Project Basic Logic of javascript and Begineer Friendly Project


panditshivammishra's github profile

Hllo! it's my reactjs app that works with text


oyepriyansh's github profile

An open-source developer-focused web application for sharing thoughts and knowledge within the developer community

Certificate Generator

vaibhav-xt's github profile

This is a certificate generator application that take inputs and generate certificate also we cand do download.

Expense Tracker

Saurav-Pant's github profile

This project is based on the concept of expense tracker. It is a simple project that helps the user to track their expenses.